
How It Works

Learn How Empowered DAO Governance Works

We have implemented OpenZeppelin Governor - a governance model of delegated voting. With the delegated governance model implemented, token holders can vote on proposals or delegate their voting power to other members of the community to vote on their behalf.

Governance Parameters*

*These parameters can be changed by the community through a governance proposal.


We've set up our on-chain governance application on Tally. Empowered DAO uses on-chain governace to enable EPWR token holders to make decisions and implement them.

The word delegate can be confusing, so let's clarify what a delegate is.

Delegates are token holders that have completed a one-time setup process. Once you become a delegate, you can vote on active proposals, and create proposals if you have enough voting power. If you choose not to directly vote on proposals, you can pass your voting power on to a delegate as we will explain further below.

Empowered uses the Tally governance application to manage the governance process. Through Tally, you can set up your wallet to become a delegate, create on-chain proposals, vote on active proposals, discover delegates in the community, and delegate your voting power to a community member.

Delegates will have complete control over the Empowered DAO treasury. Delegates can also change governance parameters such as quorum, proposal threshold, voting duration, etc. Further control will be given to delegates as the DAO grows and we implement more features.

If you wish to have a say in governance, you need to delegate your vote to self or someone in the community.

Becoming a delegate

To become a delegate, you need to complete a one-time setup process.

You can choose to self delegate or delegate to someone else.

Delegate to self.

By delegating to self, you retain your voting power. Next time there is an active proposal, you can choose to vote in any way you choose. There are 4 easy steps to setting yourself up as a delegate.

  1. Step 1: Visit Empowered DAO Governance page and connect your wallet.
  2. Step 2: Click on "Delegate vote".
  3. Step 3: Click on "Delegate to self".
  4. Step 4: Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Delegating to someone else.

You might prefer to trust a community member with their voting power. That's either because you don't want to incur a transaction fee every time you vote, or you don't have strong opinions about proposals and choose to defer voting.

When you delegate your voting power to someone else, you are voting by a proxy — They will vote on your behalf.

  1. Step 1: Decide on the delegate that will represent you.
  2. Step 2: Visit Empowered DAO Governance page and connect your wallet.
  3. Step 3: Click on "Delegate vote".
  4. Step 4: Choose "Delegate to an address, enter a wallet address".
  5. Step 5: Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Voting on future proposals

Now you are a delegate, you can participate in governance. It's important to note that you are voting power will only be tallied on proposals that have been created after you became a delegate.